MicroStrategy, Bitcoin
Microstrategy acquires 7,420 bitcoin for $458.2 million, bringing its total holdings to 252,220 BTC valued at $9.9 billion.
Business intelligence firm MicroStrategy acquired 7,420 BTC from its recent sale of senior convertible notes on Friday. CEO Michael Saylor announced the company purchased the tokens at a rate of ...
Canaccord Genuity has revised its price target for MicroStrategy (NASDAQ:MSTR) from $185 to $173 while maintaining a Buy ...
MicroStrategy’s $700 million bond will fuel its Bitcoin purchases, while Bhutan’s state-backed Bitcoin mining efforts are ...
MicroStrategy Incorporated has disclosed that it acquired 18,300 Bitcoins for $1.11 billion between August 6 and 12, 2024.
MicroStrategy announced the details of its third debt offering of 2024, underlying its commitment to Bitcoin. The technology ...
As Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) becomes a key asset for corporate treasuries, public companies are increasingly adopting innovative ...
MicroStrategy plans to issue $700M in convertible notes to redeem older debts and increase its Bitcoin holdings.